pontes newsletter #16

scribbles made on



Today I’m “hydrating” by sipping on some delicious California cabernet sauvignon (out of a plastic cup). Oh, spirit airlines, how do I love you.

What’s up tribe? Some questions I have for you: What’s something tactical that you learned recently that applied well beyond its context? What hobbies have you been nurturing lately?

Onto the update, let’s start with what’s top of mind. Simu and I are in the process of closing on a house in southern Spain. We’re beyond delighted to be reaching a partial close on our nomadic chapter. Why are we being a little “partial”? Well, the plan going forward is to nest in Spain for 6 months out of the year, then travel / plop somewhere else for the other 6 months (mood dependent, we’ll keep it open).

The last three years have been a lifetime of adventures squeezed flat into the blink of an eye. It’s difficult to even leaf through the memories: the abundance makes recall quite challenging. That’s probably a good taste of my later years. Mom and dad, keep me honest here :)

We had a blast moving around every few days / months (depending on the flavor of the season). But we’ve decided that we also want to make the time and space to dedicate ourselves to our rituals, routine and hobbies. Oh, how I miss watercoloring! I’d love to take some pottery classes as well and get my yoga practice back on track. But above all, how I miss counseling and volunteering! So well, here we go. Deja-vu: we’re embedding ourselves back into the beautifully ordinary.

Simit seems really eager to dedicate himself more to salsa, biking, fermenting, edible gardening, calisthenics and diving deeper into the world of design. [Flashback: about two years ago Simit migrated from architecture to UI/UX design (user interface/user experience)]. Cheers to the modern day gig economy, and to being able to switch careers well into your professional life.

Aside from that, things at House Rx have been moving at an astoundingly surprising speed. It’s really interesting to think about how to make decisions together as the house grows. I recently learned about a framework of thinking through the phases of growing a team, from:

forming -> storming -> norming -> performing

I thought that such a helpful paradigm to help guide action on how to grow onto the next phase. More about that here, if your interest is peaked. (Sneak peak: this applies well beyond corporatia!)

I’d love to hear from you! What’s something tactical that you learned recently that applied well beyond its context? What hobbies have you been nurturing lately?

That’s all, folx. For the next 3-4 months we’ll be between Mexico, Brazil and Spain. Latino gang, let’s go! If you’re passing by any of those, let’s link up! We’d love to chill and exchange some laughs.

With love,

